Brandon J. Broderick
Relentless & Condescending
A satirical campaign which changed
the standard for personal injury lawyer ads.
Personal injury lawyers are known as “ambulance chasers”. Relying on fear and get-rich-quick claims, their ads talk down to an audience that is already down on its luck.
Brandon J. Broderick is the owner of the fastest-growing law firm in New Jersey. He wanted to re-write the rules and position himself as an advocate for change.
As the project’s lead creative team, we decided to go after the industry’s sleaziness. Inspired by SNL-type humor, we hired two actors and created a series of online films. Satirizing every aspect of lawyer ads, while introducing Broderick as the smarter choice.
After a day of shooting, we brought our actors to the streets of New York. Portraying their sleazy lawyer characters, they interacted with pedestrians. Getting a variety of reactions from indifference to “leave me alone or I’ll call the police”. We then used the footage to create more online films, once again making the point why Brandon J. Broderick is the smarter choice.
That weekend, we got so much hilarious footage that our team decided to expand the films into a comedic web series starring our two funny actors. We’re currently in the process of writing the pilot, and it will go something like this:
Creative Director
Juan Carlos Gutierrez
Kohl Norville
Producer / Editor
Dean Ronalds
Art Director
Alejandro Gutierrez
Nikolay Malchev